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Weddings & Captive Insurance

Recently, my oldest daughter was married. This event was special, well planned and executed, and a tremendous amount of love was present. A wedding is often a singular event which lasts 30 minutes, however the wedding day as well as the months leading up to the wedding day played a large role in this event. Additionally this wedding event will carry on for years, even generations to come. Just like Captive Insurance! Here’s a few observations:

Courtship. The timing in courtships vary from individual to individual and couple to couple, sometimes weeks, and many times years in the process. During a typical courtship, both the future bride and the groom are learning about each other, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, how to communicate, and the unique backgrounds of each party.

Captive Insurance. Business owners engage in the courtship of owning their own insurance company at their own timing based upon their experience, knowledge, and ultimately their thirst for understanding. Through education, communication, and transparency this courtship may last a few weeks, sometimes months, and at times, years in the process.

Commitment. A wedding is a serious commitment. This commitment assists through the ups and downs of life, this commitment supports and strengthens both husband and wife through unforeseen challenges. Commitment brings blessings.

Captive Insurance. As the owner of your own Captive insurance company, your commitment is between you and your company, and your commitment may be renewed each year as your policy is written for one year of coverage. Your ongoing commitment benefits you both immediately as well as into the future. Your initial Captive commitment provides protection and coverage of your business today, while providing protection through retained capital and surplus for the unforeseen events of your future.

Wedding Party. A wedding is much, much more than just the bride and groom. Parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, teachers, coaches and many more people have invested time, effort and love in giving of themselves for years and years for the bride and groom. Once married, these relationships don’t stop, in fact, they are enhanced.

Captive Insurance. Creating your own insurance company is much more than the event of binding coverage for your operating company or a one-time transaction. Multiple people and parties contribute to successful execution of your insurance company well before implementation, during the operation and maintenance, and through eventual shut down of your insurance company. A few of these ongoing services include education, administration, handling of claims, investment, and compliance.

Value. The many results created from a wedding vary per couple, yet universal benefits such as love, companionship, children, and frankly all things family are the result.

Captive Insurance. The many results created from owning your own insurance company vary per business owner, yet universal benefits such as insurance coverage, a new profit center, control and flexibility of your insurance company and ultimately how insurance company assets are redeployed are a few of the many values created.

Joy. Both Weddings and Captive insurance take effort, giving of one’s self, courtship, commitment, valuable people and the results are

Your Link to Security!

Rich Ericson, President • Alink Captive Insurance Services

•Direct: 720-213-0583 • Email:



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