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How Much $ does it take to Get Your Attention?

How much $ gets your attention?

How much $ to change?

Of course it depends….. 

For business owners who have over 200 employees OR their business is grossing above $50mm – take note…..

There is a dollar amount that may get your attention.  In 2025 $100,000 probably won’t move the meter.  $500,000 may perk your ear, but probably won’t create any action.

How about $1,000,000?

Savings? Profit? Either way, it’s worth a conversation at least.  It’s real, it requires education, it requires action, it requires change!

Is the pain of being open to change worth $1,000,000?

Is the pain of change worth $1,000,000?

What about $2,000,000?

You qualify. It’s safe, legal, right under your nose. Your broker or financial advisors don’t have access to or expertise to execute these solutions regardless of your relationship or how well he/she is serving you with their expertise.

Business owners transact business with people they know or people they are referred to. Business owners appropriately have gate-keepers in place. Gate-keepers are awesome, they prevent the never-ending line of people showing up.  Gate-keepers, as wonderful as they are, are not the owner. A $ amount to them is valued differently than to you. The action of change may also be viewed differently.

Respectfully, please take 30 minutes to understand YOUR opportunity.  If $1,000,000 makes a difference and is worth 30 minutes to you.


"I don't have time to see any crazy Alink solution provider; I have a battle to fight."
"I don't have time to see any crazy Alink solution provider; I have a battle to fight."


Call 720 213 0583 learn how, and create

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Rich Ericson, President

ALINK Captive Insurance Services

 • Direct: 720-213-0583 • Email: 



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