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“Commitment, Abby commitment! There are only two creatures worthy to live, those who make commitments and those who require commitments to be made of others.”

In 1986 I was taught this quote, and more importantly the principle behind it, and over the years the truth of this statement from John Adams to his wife Abigail (1700’s) still rings loud and true.

Commitment sees one through the uncertainties of life.

Commitment doesn’t mean a person can’t adjust, be flexible.

Commitment is not a Cause, but often the motor for those with a Cause,

Commitment doesn’t have to be loud, overbearing, or intimidating.

Commitment is resolve, perseverance, with integrity, usually passion whether seen from the outside, or most importantly, from the inside.

Family, Faith, Business and many others are all worthy of Commitment. A person certainly can be committed to multiple causes at the same time.

Captive Insurance requires commitments. Commitment to learn and understand, at least to a certain degree of understanding, Commitment to engage, Commitment to follow-through.

A handshake, a person’s word once was the standard for commitments. Today there are appropriately contracts and fees to secure a commitment. However, a person’s words and actions speak much louder than legalize.

Commitment, Abby commitment! There are only two creatures worthy to live, those who make commitments, and those who require commitments to be made of others.”

Commitment is

Your Link to Security!

Rich Ericson, President ALINK Captive Insurance Services • Direct: 720-213-0583 • Email:



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