Volleyball & Captives #2

Become that player
My son says about his volleyball team, “we aren’t going to be as good, we lost our star outside hitter and there is no one to replace him.”
My response, “You may become that player.” No guarantees of course, but the stated position of my son is as a 15 year old freshman. Looking into the future, I see a 17 year old who grows into that role because of five things:
Physics and genetics. My son’s body will continue to grow (see grocery bill as evidence) as well as inherited genetics.
Work. Becoming doesn’t happen by accident. I see the work, both physical and mental work being invested into developing the skills to become the type of player my son wants to be such as getting up early each morning and specifically training to become a better player.
Time. Success requires practice and time to fully see results. Although there are significant short term benefits from practice such as discipline, sacrifice and work, the long-term benefits are much greater.
Intent. When someone works and puts in the time with the right resources and full intent, they typically become what they set out to be. Becoming successful doesn’t happen by accident, it happens because it was intended to happen.
Coaches. Growth and skill are accelerated when experienced and skilled coaches are involved. Even the best players in any sport want and need good coaching.
And Captive Insurance?
Your business may become that type of business, a bigger, faster, stronger version of your current self with the same five principles:
Physics and genetics. You have a successful business in place right now. By following the sound principles already applied, your business should continue to be successful. You may have inherited values, insights or additional tools for continued success. Captive insurance creates and retains more capital to utilize for your business.
Work. Your success hasn’t happened without the work, sacrifice and leadership put into your business. Your business won’t continue successfully without work, adjustments, and planning. Captive insurance should be planned for, does require work, and will prove to be a better way to a more successful and profitable risk management program.
Time. Success requires practice and time to fully see results. Although there are significant short term benefits, the long-term benefits are greater. Captive insurance provides immediate short term as well as long term protection, capital preservation, flexibility, and other benefits.
Intent. When someone works and puts in the time with the right resources and full intent, they typically become what they set out to be. Becoming successful doesn’t happen by accident, it happens because it was intended to happen. Businesses who own Captive insurance companies have greater protection of their operating company, retain more assets, and have far greater flexibility and control of both their operating company as well as the risk management of their company.
Coaches. Growth and skill are accelerated when experienced and skilled coaches are involved. Even the best players in any business want and need good coaching. Your already successful business can and should be better. Captive insurance is a better way to accomplish your intended goals.
Taking action today multiplies tomorrow’s benefits, not by accident, but with purpose and intent. Captive insurance provides risk management today, and exponential benefits tomorrow. Captive insurance should be part of your business’ process of becoming, development and growth. And is
Your Link to Security!
Rich Ericson, President
ALINK Captive Insurance Services
• Direct: 720-213-0583 • Email: Rich@ALINKcis.com